
The Risky Business Project released reports quantifying the economic risks posed by a changing climate. Risky Business reports have identified climate risks to the nation, the Midwest, and the Southeast and Texas, and California. A report released in 2016 examines opportunities to strengthen the U.S. economy by reducing these risks.

1 | From Risk to Return

Investing in a Clean Energy Economy

This report examines the opportunities for American businesses and investors in a clean energy economy. It presents technology choices and outlines near- and medium-term investment opportunities across nine U.S. census regions. It finds that lowering climate risk by building a clean energy economy is technically and economically achievable using commercial or near-commercial technology.

2 | National Report

The Economic Risks of Climate Change in the United States

A Climate Risk Assessment for the United States identifies the economic risks posed by a changing climate. The U.S. will likely face the effects of human-induced climate change including rising seas and more frequent bouts of extreme heat. The report identifies striking economic impacts from climate change, from the near-term to the end of the century across all 50 U.S. states.

3 | Midwest Report

Heat in the Heartland: Climate Change and Economic Risk in the Midwest

This report identifies the economic risks posed by a changing climate to the Midwestern U.S.. The Midwest will likely be hit hard by impacts such as decreased labor productivity, increased energy demand, and increased heat-related mortality. This publication also includes a specific focus on the effects that climate change will have on agriculture and Midwestern cities.

4 | Southeast Report

Come Heat and High Water: Climate Risk in the Southeastern U.S. and Texas

This report identifies the economic risks posed by a changing climate across 11 states in the Southeast, and Texas. The report also highlights the risks to manufacturing, a key driver of recent economic growth in this region.

5 | California Report

From Boom to Bust? Climate Risk in the Golden State

This report identifies the economic risks posed by a changing climate in the state of California. The report explains that California is likely to face economic challenges due to increasing temperatures and sea level rise exacerbated by climate change. The report includes analysis of the risks faced by different regions of the state.

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